So it remains one of those things that it's important to delve into and at least get a good sense of the key principles under your belt - as much as to do it well as to help educate others you work with. To that end, you might find this 3 minute introduction to IA at sitepoint just enough to get you moving.
Though accounts vary, the article describes Information Architecture as including:
- Competitive analysis
- Site Requirements
- Site Goals with the help of all stakeholders
- Personas
- Wireframes and/or Use Cases for task flow
- Navigation and Labeling
- Prototype
- Vocabulary (search and metadata)
"If information architecture is done badly or ignored completely, people will find it difficult to use your site. Just as buildings are not put together without some kind of blueprint, websites should not be built without thought being put into their structure, otherwise you’ll end up with the doors opening into mid-air and stairs going nowhere."
Also, their brief set of guidelines has elearning deisgners specifically in mind.
When you have the time to more thoroughly arm yourself for the job, take up a book on IA.
- The bookshelf text: I would highly recommend what is both a thorough professional's handbook and an enjoyable read: the O'Reilly "Polar Bear Book" - Information Architecture for the World Wide Web
by Moreville and rosenfeld. A new edition was just released in 2006 and it's excellent. It takes a sytematic approach to definitions, methodologies and even looks at how other professionals like graphic designers participate in Information Architecture.
- The lunchtime read: For a light overview that dips into usability as well, The New riders Information Architecture - Blueprints for the Web
by Christina Wodtke has been said to do the job.
FunStuff: Check out The Flickr photo pool "Everyday Information Architecture"
If you happen to be in Sydney, "IA-Peers" is a networking event organised each month in the area. "It's small and friendly and informal and focused on the web industry. We even occasionally talk about information architecture." For more info, contact the group's coordinator, Information Architect, Eric Shield
of Ironclad Networks.