28 July 2011

Learning stages for User Experience Design

What a delighter to find my weekly helping of "A list Apart" this morning came topped with the title "UX for Learning".  A List Apart is an impeccably produced online publication from the makers of some of the industry's best websites and books on websites.  The latest post by Tyler Tate shows that  Learning is beginning to slide its foot in the door with a larger design audience.

Tate demonstrates how basic stages of learning can be applied to the design of everyday websites and links some practical examples of interface design decisions for commercial websites back to Kuhlthau’s stages of the search process.

In my view, it's not just a great indication of a growing awareness of how our knowledge about learning needs to converge with our knowledge about design, it's also evidence of how the Beatrice and Benedict of industry and academia are truly meant to be together in the end.  They don't always speak the same language, or think they share the same values,  but (at risk of infringing copyright on an Obama campaign) we must unite - we've so much to gain by sharing research, methods, processes, data and worldviews that why wouldn't we?  As Bob the builder would say "Yes we can."

Image details: Web interface for the Learning Sciences Conference I just designed for the International Society of the Learning Sciences.