14 September 2005

Call for papers: Audio-visual communication

Prism, a free-access, fully-refereed academic journal on public relations and communications will be publishing a special issue on visual communication. This could be a handy spot for publishing any initial research, thoughts, discoveries or case studies in the area of audio-visual design for e-learning. According to the specs, possible topics include:
  • What new research approaches can be developed to account for the specificity of visual elements as opposed to textual elements?
  • How can visual or audio-visual elements be integrated in learning processes?
  • How do different researchers use visual or audio-visual elements to present social constructs in their specific fields of interest?
  • How are collective identities defined, constructed and represented in visual and audio-visual media? What methodologies can we develop to make sense of this construction process?
  • How do visual artefacts and methods help or hinder the representation of constructs such as cognitive interpretations, understanding, and insights? How may they report on interaction or impact on behaviour?
  • How may individual and collective visual representations complement each other in, for instance, collective capacity building?

For more information, download the Call for Papers document at: