Generally speaking, according to some of Mayer's research, learning tends to be more successful where...
- Text and images are used together (rather than text alone)
- Related images and text are placed close together
- Animation is used with narration, rather than by itself, or if by itself, then in small chunks
- (These are just a few examples, see Mayer's work to find out more)
Seminar info
"The School of Education, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, UNSW is pleased to announce that it will be hosting the upcoming visit of Richard E. Mayer, Professor of Psychology, University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB). Professor Mayer is a leading international researcher in education and psychology, having been ranked the most productive educational psychologist in the world for over a decade. He has published 18 books and over 250 articles covering the areas of cognition, instruction, and technology with a special focus on multimedia learning and problem solving."Seminar 1
Topic : Constructivism, problem based learning, inquiry based learning and discovery based learningTitle : Reflections on "Should There Be a Three-Strikes Rule Against Pure Discovery Learning?"
Date : Wednesday, 31 August, 2005
Time : 5:00pm- 6:30pm
Location : Robert Webster Building, Webster B (2nd floor)
(Enter UNSW through Gate 14, Barker Street)
Seminar 2
Topic : Cognition and Multimedia LearningTitle : Multimedia Learning
Date : Thursday, 1 September, 2005
Time : 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Location : Law Room 1201, Library Stage 2 Building
(Enter through Gate 11, Botany Street)
To register:
For catering purposes, could you please indicate by email to this address if you will be attending the Wednesday (31 August, 2005) seminar:Paul Chandler -